Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Beginnings

Tomorrow I go back to school. I have had the most wonderful summer and will take
my renewed energy back with me. I am so lucky to have a job I love. I have the opportunity to be creative and show children that art comes in so many wonderful forms. I made little beanbags for an art game for the first day of school. They are made of little colorful scraps of fabric and I will give them away to my students.


My last minute project was to recover my outdoor cushions. The Arizona sun reeks havoc on fabric outside, and I only can hope they will last for a little while!



I pieced 6 of these covers together. I hope they last!!

Isn't it funny. I have lived in Arizona most of my life and as I grow older I love it more and more. I had a hard time seeing the beauty of the desert when I was young. I was born in Wyoming and a part of me will always miss the beauty of green grass, beautiful lakes and big trees. You know, I have my little plot of grass, a beautiful view and pots of flowers. I have a wonderful family and I am happy. What more can I ask for or be thankful for?

